From a control standpoint, it’s a very, VERY good thing that the game allows you to use Gamecube controllers like in Smash Brothers Brawl, because the wheel is nigh-useless for multiplayer. In single player, and in online play where you’re the only racer using your console, the wheel works fine, and is actually kind of fun. Same with two player. But in three or four player races, where the split screen gets smaller to accommodate everyone, the wheel seems to get a lot more sensitive, and it becomes impossible not to drive into walls or off cliffs. But, like most Wii games, there’s lots of ways you can control the game, and most of them work just fine, so this isn’t really worth harping on.
One thing that lots of reviewers have commented on is the difficulty of the AI. Some of this is quite valid, but some of it is, from my experience playing the game recently, exaggerated. Now, before I say anything, it’s true. The AI controlled drivers are a bunch of assholes. They’re aggressive and uncannily accurate with their green shells and banana peels, and that’s on the easier difficulties. On the harder difficulties, they’re like level 9 characters in Smash Brothers, only there’s eleven of them, and they’re driving cars. They have super human reflexes and they go out of their way to screw over the human player even when it’s not in their best interest. In that vein, I’m tempted to compare them to the Borg from Star Trek, but I feel that falls flat. The Borg, from what I recall, have a certain sophistication that these machines lack. A more accurate comparison would be that the human racer is Carrie, and every race is prom night. They build you up, make you think you’re going to get first place right up until you’re a second away from the finish line, then BOOM! On comes the onslaught of shells, pow-blocks, and pig’s blood.

Only you don’t get psychic powers with which to get your revenge. You just get impotent cursing.
The bit of the reviews bashing the AI that I find exaggerated, however, is that the AI is also favored by the item roulette. Many of the people complaining about this game found that, while computer players consistently got the best items when near last place (bullet bills, lightning, etc.), the human player consistently gets terrible ones (mushrooms, that friggin thunder cloud, Bloopers that have no effect on the AI at all). Now maybe these are exaggerations, or maybe I got a later version where they fixed this (I did get it several months after everyone else, after all), but I haven’t had that problem. There hasn’t been a single time I can think of where I’ve been in last place and haven’t gotten a Bullet Bill, and I’ve seen that Carrie scenario described above done to a computer player in first place about as often as it’s happened to me; thus allowing me to pass him and get first place myself. Yes, there is an element of luck, but the game itself doesn’t seem stacked against me, and that makes it a lot more bearable.
Besides, all told, the AI being mean isn’t a huge detriment. Yes, it makes the one player 150cc and Mirror Mode courses an exercise in frustration, but as any true red blooded Mario kart player will tell you, the Multiplayer mode is where it’s at. And unlocking the courses in multiplayer isn’t hard at all. You just have to place. Now granted, getting first in grand prix mode, and getting star rankings, will unlock new characters and cars. However, since Wario and his bike from the Warioware series were both available from the beginning, I couldn’t possibly give less of a crap about this. Quite frankly, unlocking minor characters from the Mario universe is the equivalent of getting a toy from a box of crappy cereal. It’s bright and colorful, but ultimately kind of lame and not worth what you had to do to yourself to get it. In fact, there are some characters I have managed to unlock over the course of the game that I wish I hadn’t, because now I have to listen to their voices whenever I race them.
For example:

So anyway, that’s the review portion of this blog entry. For those of you that just clicked here to see what I think of Mario kart Wii, here’s my opinion summed up: Multiplayer’s fun as hell, the wheel is useful in single player mode but otherwise overrated, single player mode is an exercise in frustration on the higher difficulties, but ultimately unnecessary to concern yourself with unless you just HAVE to have Dry Bowser, or Baby Luigi, or Toadette, or any of the other lame extraneous Mario characters that I haven’t unlocked yet.
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s what I’ve come to realize about the Mario universe thanks to Mario Kart. The
Sorry, that’s the best picture I could find. For those unfamiliar with the course, it’s basically a huge sprawling city with cars, giant bombs on wheels, and huge pictures of Princess Peach everywhere. Given the presence of those pictures, I can only assume that
And, looking at the events of the games with this new knowledge in mind, she’s kind of a vicious one.
When Mario’s travels take him to new locales, like those countries in Super Mario Brothers 3, or
“Oh dear, Bowser’s attacked you. That’s a shame. He does that, you know, he’s such a meanie. But Mario just saved your country! Isn’t that great? But I should warn you, Mario’s quite a busy plumber. If Bowser comes back, there’s no guarantee Mario will too. If only you were part of the
Think I’m wrong? Well, here’s some proof: pretty much every locale Mario has visited, from
In short, Peach has, over the course of the games, become a blonde, pink, passive-aggressive Napoleon. She now owns several countries, and cannot be considered the ruler of the
You may be wondering where the other Mario characters fit into this. I’ve already discussed Daisy, but what about the ones people care about? Mario and Luigi, I think, actually take all this at face value. They really are about saving the Princess from Bowser or whatever else is attacking, and either ignore or are unaware of what happens afterward. They are legitimately heroes. Just apathetic or stupid ones.
Bowser’s a bit more complicated, as there are two possible roles for him. One, he’s in on it, and is Peach’s silent partner in expanding her territory; he attacks other countries, Mario stops him, Peach cleans up afterward. This would explain why Bowser participates in their sporting events, and why he opens up his castle for kart races like the conquered territories do. The other, more tragic possibility, is that Bowser is legitimately trying to resist the Mushroom Kingdom, and may in fact be the only one who is (Wario really only cares about maintaining his gaming company and treasure hunting, and not about international politics). Each time he kidnaps Peach or invades a country, he’s trying to stop the

Don’t get me wrong. It’s my favorite track in the game, but why is there an ominous aquatic tunnel with laser beams halfway through the course? Are the koopas trying to build Rapture from Bioshock? If so, why hasn’t that been in a real game yet? I think it’d be interesting.
Get on it, Nintendo.